
Question about the output of concatenate

Closed this issue · 2 comments

From the section 4.1.3 of LINE paper, the first-order proximity and second-order proximity can be preserved by concatenating two embedding vectors of each node. I use concatenate.cpp and obtain a UNIX executable file which produces the final embedding. However, I notice that the embedding vector of each nodes is different from simply combining the first-order and second-order embedding vectors, so I'm curious about the way of concatenating the first-order and second-order embedding vectors. can the authors answer that?

mnqu commented

Thanks for your attention to our work. In practice, the l2 norms of vectors learned with the first- and second-order proximities can be very different, so directly concatenating them may yield inferior results. Therefore, we first normalize both vectors to unit vectors, before concatenating them for classification.

Thanks for your answer, I totally understand the values of final embedding.