
Latest JTango release 9.5.10 is not synced with maven central

Closed this issue · 7 comments

for instance JTangoCommons

I have tried without success. I have an error:

403 - Forbidden
User 'gwen-soleil' missing 'stage' permission for staging profile:

Could not sync artifact JTangoCommons-9.5.11.jar.md5. Server response:

By the way, isn't possible to configure travis to deploy automatically to bintray and maven central?

@gwen-soleil you need to create a user at sonartype and associate it with org.tango-controls repo at maven central:

Follow this link

Create a user and add a ticket to JIRA "please authorize my user to publish to org.tango-controls". Hope that would do the trick :)

We can auto-deploy fat-jar to bintray (or even better - I would switch to GitHub releases) with travis, if travis would do release (for instance for tagged commits). I do not know whether we can sync with maven central though... should be possible but may require quite a lot of efforts to setup this.

I wanted to sync with maven central myself and noticed that JTango is missing from bintray/'s maven: there is no 9.5.10 version at all. And 9.5.11 is missing pom files: link. So definitely maven release was screwed up

@gwen-soleil , So I would suggest to perform next release together to find out what is the problem and solve it.

thanks for helping. I hope to see u at next tango developers' meeting :)

Closed due to #73