
Reader, asHistoryBuffer argument doesnt work for HDB++

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In [32]: rd.get_attributes_values([a for a in attrs if 'scw' in a and ('t1' in a or 't2' in a)],-30,N=1,asHistoryBuffer=True)

...python/PyTangoArchiving/reader.pyc in get_attribute_values(self, attribute, start_date, stop_date, asHistoryBuffer, decimate, notNone, N, cache, fallback)
881 #Simulating DeviceAttributeHistory structs
882 if asHistoryBuffer:
--> 883 values = [FakeAttributeHistory(*v) for v in values]
885 #Array index is an string or None

TypeError: FakeAttributeHistory constructor argument after * must be an iterable, not instance