
Music control close notification does not work

Opened this issue · 14 comments

I added MusicControl.enableControl('closeNotification', true, {when: 'always'}) but it does not work.

Other buttons work fine correctly.

Hi @akk7300 If you can provide an example of how to simulate this issue I'm happy to look into it.


`constructor(props) {

this.state = { }
MusicControl.enableControl('play', true);
MusicControl.enableControl('pause', true);
MusicControl.enableControl('nextTrack', true)
MusicControl.enableControl('previousTrack', true)
MusicControl.enableControl('closeNotification', true, {when: 'always'})



MusicControl.on('play', ()=> {

MusicControl.on('pause', ()=> {

MusicControl.on('nextTrack', ()=> {


MusicControl.on('previousTrack', ()=> {



Play Pause Next and Previous Button show in notification and can control
But close notification on swipe not working

Ok thanks @akk7300 so this is just the default closeNotification event. I'll have a look into it.

Closing notifications works on android 7, but it does not work on android 10 (did not test android 8 and 9)

Notification does not close at all on android. (Tested on android 7+)

Here is a GIF

  • Notice how the initial notification changes

  • The notification only closes when calling MusicControl.stopControl(); or killing the app.

Tested ^0.12.0


Same here, why hasn't this been resolved yet ?

I just fixed it... first, run this script to install this version:
If using NPM
npm i react-native-music-control@0.10.8

If using Yarn

yarn add react-native-music-control@0.10.8

This is an example of the code i used

if (state.pause === true) {
MusicControl.updatePlayback({ state: MusicControl.STATE_PAUSED, });
// Make your choice with any of this functions
MusicControl.enableControl('closeNotification', true, { when: 'paused' });
MusicControl.enableControl('closeNotification', true, { when: 'always' });

Hope this could help anyone out there

@Joshmatjjen still not fixed

Hi @Joshmatjjen

Closing the notification on swipe works on v0.10.8 and v0.11.0, BUT the notification is blank on android 5.0


v0.12.0 = blank notification and does not close on swipe or calling MusicControl.resetNowPlaying(); and MusicControl.stopControl();

v1.2.1 = notification looks right but does not close on swipe or calling MusicControl.resetNowPlaying(); and MusicControl.stopControl();

@HasanAlyazidi Have you tired changing the min-sdk version to 16 or 17 in your build.gradle...

If it dont work, You have to create your app to only andriod greater than 5.0

Any progress on fixing this?

I used stop button for close notification.

I am also facing this issue