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From Cooking to Coding | Tania Rascia
It's difficult to think of two careers more contrasting than chef and web developer. I would venture to put myself into a fairly unique…
Hi, Tania!
Very inspiring story! It's almost like I am reading my own here, with a few little differences. I work as a bartender, some things you wrote are so accurate it makes me laugh and almost cry at the same time, finding myself in the same trap now. I can tell you that since this article was written not much has changed in the business. Studying programming for around 5 months now when I am off work. Felt overwhelmed a lot, your story was a reality check for me again. Gonna go back coding!
Thank you!!!
I don't know how I stumbled on to your website, but reading this could not have come at a better time. I am in my journey of doing a full career change towards becoming a web developer. I am signed up doing a pretty hectic Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp, and damn it has been a rollercoaster. From jubilations of seeing my CSS designs and flexboxes proudly displayed on a website I can call my own, to the frustrating headbanging times trying to import whats supposed to be a straight-forward API without any success. I guess what I am saying is thanks for sharing your work, thoughts and explanations on this amazing web page of yours. It certainly helps to see how others' journeys went and it keeps me motivated.
also in this journey, wish me good luck