
School Management System made using MERN Stack , TailwindCSS and Material UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

School Management Application📚🎓

A web-based school management application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) with Tailwind CSS for styling. This application allows managing classes, teachers, and students in a school and provides analytics functionalities.



Technologies Used

  • Frontend : React, MaterialUI, AG Charts
  • Backend : Node.js , MongoDB , Express.js, Firebase


  • Data Management: Manages three core models:
    • Class: Stores details like class name, year, teacher, student fees, and student list.
    • Teacher: Teacher information including name, gender, D.O.B., contact details, salary, assigned class, etc.
    • Student: Student information including name, gender, D.O.B., contact details, fees paid, and class, etc.
  • CRUD Operations: Supports CRUD operations for all the above models.
  • Reusable React Components: Develops reusable React components for forms and tables.
  • Dynamic Forms: Forms dynamically render input fields based on the selected model (Class, Teacher, Student).
  • Class Limit: Adds a limit to the number of students in each class.
  • Analytics Pages:
    • Clicking on a class in the class management page opens a class analytics page showing all details of the class like name, year, teachers, students list, etc. Also, includes a graph showing the number of male and female students in that class.
    • An analytics page showing the expenses spent on teachers' salaries and income generated from paid students' fees. Provides a toggle to switch between monthly/yearly views and options to select the month and year for monthly view and year for yearly view.

Bonus Features

  • Pagination,Filtering and Sorting: Implements pagination,filtering and sorting for tables.
  • Form Validation: Includes form validation to ensure data integrity and accuracy.


  1. Clone the repository:

2.Navigate to the project directory:

cd school-management-application

3.Install dependencies:

npm install

4.Set up MongoDB: Install MongoDB locally or use a cloud-based MongoDB service. Configure MongoDB connection URI in the .env file.


1.Start the server:

npm start

2.Go to client directory and run the command:

npm run dev

3.Open the application in your browser:
