Rancid Tomatillos


  • Kyle Barnett
  • Jeremy Poulter
  • Jonathan Tschida
  • Tanisha L. Davey


This was a group project assigned during Mod 3 at Turing. We were tasked with creating a movie rating web application. Users can view information about a variety of movies, including their average rating among all users. Additionally, a user can log in and add or change their own ratings of movies.

The goal of this project was to demonstrate our skill with the following:

  • React fundamentals
  • React Router
  • Testing components and asynchronous JavaScript
  • Navigating a shared, persistent API
  • Redux state management and testing



MovieCard hover state

Login page

Logged in homepage

Movie Show Page

Set Up

To copy the project to your computer and run it:

  1. clone down the repo using git clone

  2. run npm install

  3. run npm start to host a local server

  4. your terminal should automatically navigate to http://localhost:3000/, otherwise you can type it in your browser to view it.

  5. You can log in with the following information:

    email: diana@turing.io
    password: 111111