
Is Export button used for converting this document to word?

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l0o0 commented

I want to know what this Export button does.


When I click this button, this WPS document will be converted to Word, which will be more compatible?

It does the same as clicking the "switch to a different word processor" button in the document preferences window. In our case, the document should already be compatible with MS Word, but the exported document is compatible with all supported word processors beyond WPS and MS Word, for example, Google Docs and LibreOffice.

I made this available in the ribbon to improve functionality discovery.

l0o0 commented

Thank you for your answer. Your work helps us a lot. I've wrote a post about your work https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/37mqQB5rEfsdgqIxw53Z5A

Thank you for your answer. Your work helps us a lot. I've wrote a post about your work https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/37mqQB5rEfsdgqIxw53Z5A

Great! Much appreciated!