SImiik <=v1.6.2.1 xss + rce
deFming opened this issue · 1 comments
python3 -m simiki.cli new -t "Hello Simiki<svg/onload=alert(1)>" -c first-catetory
python3 -m simiki.cli g
python3 -m simiki.cli p
The affected file appears to be Line 54
By default, jinja2 sets autoescape to False. Consider using autoescape=True or use the select_autoescape function to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities.
2.RCE line 64
Use of unsafe yaml load. Allows instantiation of arbitrary objects. Consider yaml.safe_load().
This can lead to remote code execution.
When simiki loads a malicious _config.xml file.
!!python/object/new:os.system ["/Applications/"]
When using smiik again, smiik will load _config.yml and cause remote code execution
Thanks for your report.
The first problem, enable autoescape
need theme also add safe
, and I will fix it later.
The second problem was fixed in version