
Bugs in MobileRegistered and EmailRegistered Methods

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
The check for the presence of email and mobile seems to be wrong in the methods. When email_mobile_status is 3 or 2, in that case, the function should return mobile is registered, though it is referring to 3 or 1. similar case with the email registered method too.

Expected behaviour
The functions should return legitimate True values when email and mobile are present, Though we are receiving erroneous returns


Posting for Reference

Hey Tanmoy,
I have raised a PR in regard to a fix for this issue. Please have a look.

Thanks and Regards,
Arkajit Datta

Can you please share the latest schema published by UIDAI

sure, lemme upload the latest schema!
sharing the link -->

Fixed in PR #6