
Strut.io: Slide color background lost when Saving then opening

Closed this issue · 1 comments

cems2 commented

platform: Strut.io webpage and firefox

slide background color not preserved across saves in .strut format. instead when opening a file it just changes the color to whatever the background is set for in the current strut.io session.

steps to reproduce:

  1. create a presentation online and add background and surface colors to slides.
  2. save it as a foo.strut file locally
  3. (important step) change the background of your currently open slides in strut.io
  4. open the saved foo.strut

slides seem to be the same except for the background and surface colors.
Note that if you had not changed the color before reopening it you would not notice this failure to preserved the original color

expected result:
all attributes would be preserved including color.

saving the file as web-page complete does not lose the colors. But this then creates a non-editable frozen presentation, so isn't a work around for this problem.

Thanks for the bug report. I'm going to be resuming work on Strut2 which will be the successor to this repo.

It's currently non-functional but you can view the progress here: https://github.com/tantaman/strut2