
Auto fight doesn't work?

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I have a problem with auto fighter. When i activate it from 'main' all it does perform is upto 'fight_checker' after that it just goes back to home port even with undamaged fleet and normal morale.

Do you have any 間宮(mamiya)?
Mamiya is used to check fleet's morale, so it contains a bug if you don't have any one,
I opened the issue but not fix yet.

I do have both Mamiya and Irako.

Could you paste the log and screenshot (remeber remove your name) for me?

Is there some kind of limit you can set loop? Because it started working when i changed it from 1000 to 100. This was happening when set to 1k loop http://puu.sh/gzimo/ac3a9478f8.png

Could you paste the modified file?

I can't open this file, please give permission to me.

In main.py, "count" is just a variable about loop times. I think this modified variable should not change anything.

According to the following issue, I guess this problem comes from sikuli:
