Closed this issue · 3 comments
u12e1juioj commented
Describe the bug / 玩家无法近战击退假人
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. / 玩家攻击假人时假人无法收到击退,但可用弓等其他物品造成击退
To Reproduce / 如何触发
Steps to reproduce the behavior: / 触发的步骤
- 生成一个假人
- 对着假人点左键攻击
- 观察现象记录结果
- 报告问题
Server information / 服务器信息
- Paper 1.21.1 -82
- Java: 21
- Version 0.3.9
**Additional context /
Add any other context about the problem here. Such as log and plugin list /
tanyaofei commented
Ziyang-Bai commented