WARNING: This is under developement at the moment: The README is outdated. Please use only if you understand the code. This Warning will disapear as soon as that changes.
This is a somewhat special purpose interface to freeswitch. It is designed to use freeswitch as a conference system, but the concept is very expandibele.
A suitable freeswitch-installation can be found here.
Depending on your usecase the concept might fit to your needs or not. It's based on the freeswitch xml files as the single source of truth. Therefore no other database is used, and the functinality of freeswitch depends in no way on freeswitch-connector, even if you use connector to manage your conference-system.
It is also very easy to backup and restore, since everything is just a bunch of xml-files which are human readable. And you can recunstruct everything you do filewise with connector easily from it's internal state, which you can safe as JSON. Also you can do needed modifications directly in the xml-files and freeswitch-connector will have no problems with it.
The prize for such advantages is the dependency on a certain way of expressing the freeswitch configuration in xml files (in freeswitch you can structure the same config in many different ways in terms of file layout). Also, freeswitch-connector makes somewhat hardcoded assumptions on the dialplan-logic and the directory-structure. freeswitch-container contains a working example. The relations should be completely defined in config.js but this is not battletested.
Here the concept as a diagram:
| | event +----------------+
| FREESWITCH | socket | +
| +--------+<---+ representation
+--+-----------+ | of xmlstate
| parse xml | + +
+------+----+ reloadxml / |
+-^ ^ ^-----+ use esapi |
| | | + |
+--+--+ +-+---+ +--+--+ +---+ |
| xml | | xml | | xml | ... | v
+-----+ +--+--+ +-----+ +-------++
^-+ ^ +---^ | modesl |
| | | +-------------+--------+---+
| | | | |
| | | | freeswitch+connector |
++-----+--+----+ +-------------------+ |
| generate or +----+ my representation | |
| delete files | | of xmlstate | |
+--------------+ +---------+---------+ |
| | |
| | |
+--------------+ +--------------+-----+-----+
| polycom +<-----------| fastify / |
| provisioning | +----+ rest api |
+--------------+ | +-+--+------+
+--------------+ | | ^
| verto +<------+ v |
| communicator | +-+--+-+
+--------------+ | USER |
As you can see here, connector depends on access to freeswitchs xml-database and to its eventsocket. You can accomblish this with connector running on a different host, but don't forget to secure the eventsocket-connection (by vpn e.g.), and you will need somehow network-reachable storage of the xml files in that case. It's easier to just run connector on the same host, and in the same network namespace as freeswitch.
The representation of the xml config is an in memory JS Object and
gets updatet on every reloadxml
. But it can also be partially
updatet on more specific events. You can serialize it easily as JSON,
except for some properties which are sets, but those are automatically
managed anyways. All xml-files which are managable by connector can easily
be reproduced from this JSON.
All usercredentials an privilleges for the REST api are derived
from the freeswitch-config, no need to care for extra-users, but
please be aware of all the implications, understand the dialplan,
make the TLS work, and adapt all as necessary for your security-needs.
See the fasti.apiallow
property in
Connector exposes a REST API to all users in the fast.apiallow
The other users are just added to freeswitchs directory and provisioned.
To use the API you have to do HttpDigest Auth. For POST Requests you'll
need to send Headers like this:
curl --digest -u teamuser1:napw --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data...
All POST endpoints are validated against a JSON schema, for brevity the schema is given in the following for each case.
returns JSON with all users like this:
"op": "users",
"info": {
"total": 8,
"contexts": {
"team": 3,
"friends": 3,
"public": 2
"users": [
"id": "20000",
"password": "napw",
"conpin": "2357",
"context": "team",
"name": "teamuser1",
"email": "teamuser1@example.com",
"polymac": "none"
}, ...
Uses the given string to match the userarray against it. The matching
is done with the stringmethod .startsWith()
. So those Endpoints return an array, if more than one match is found (the given string for a polycom mac may be, e.g.,
, which will match all users with polycoms), the array contains more than
one user.
The answers look like this:
{op: 'users/byid/yourstring', users: [{user},{user}...]}
The same as the endpoints aboth. But the email property is matched with the
method, to be able to match all users in the same maildomain.
The answer looks like this:
{op: 'users/byemail/yourstring', users: [{user},{user}...]}
Matches yourstring
against all emails and all names, checks if any
of them includes your string. The answer looks like this:
{op: 'users/match/yourstring', namematches: [{user},{user}...], emailmatches: [{user},{user}...]}
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/userAddSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
password: { type: 'string' },
conpin: { type: 'string' },
context: { type: 'string' },
name: { type: 'string' },
email: { type: 'string' },
polymac: { type: 'string' }
required: ['name', 'email', 'context'],
additionalProperties: false
As you can see, you can add multiple users at once, as long as they fit in the dialplan. See config.js and the example dialplan in freeswitch-container.
The Answer looks like this:
{ op: 'users/add', done: [], failed: [] }
with the done and failed arrays filled or not. Adding a user fails if no formal email is given, if the name is already taken, or if the context you try to add him/her does not exists.
Ids, which are the same as the phonenumbers in freeswitch, are assigned automatically.
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/userModSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'string' },
password: { type: 'string' },
conpin: { type: 'string' },
context: { type: 'string' },
name: { type: 'string' },
email: { type: 'string' },
polymac: { type: 'string' }
required: ['id'],
additionalProperties: false
Modifies existing users. Only the id is required, all other
values are filled in from the existing user if they are not
provided. Except for the polymac and the password.
The polymac will be set to the default, none
, if not provided,
and the provisioning for polycom-phones will be deletet. If no
password is provided, a new one will be generated.
If you change a users context, he will get a new id (phonenumber). If you don't change the context, he/she will keep his/her id.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'users/mod', done: [], failed: [] }
with users filled in the arrays or not. Modding a user fails if the id does not exist, or the new email is not a formal email, or the new context does not exist.
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/userDelSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'string' }
required: ['id'],
additionalProperties: false
Deletes all users by the ids (phonenumbers) given in the array. All provisioning for those users will also be deleted.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'users/del', done: [], failed: [] }
with the arrays filled or not. Deleting users fails if the id is not found.
Rebuilds all userfiles in the directory from the internal xml state. Useful if you make changes to the userfiles in the Templates.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'users/rebuild', done: [], failed: [] }
Nothing should fail in this operation, so only the done array should contain users.
Reprovisions all users from the internal xml state. Useful if you make changes to the userfiles in the Templates.
{ op: 'users/reprov', done: [], failed: [] }
Nothing should fail in this operation, so only the done array should contain users.
If you try connector with the example freeswitch you should run this endpoint to provision the users in there.
Returns JSON with a List of all conferences like that:
"op": "conferences",
"info": {
"total": 4,
"contexts": {
"team": 2,
"friends": 1,
"public": 1
"types": [
"conferences": [
"num": "30000",
"name": "team_g722",
"type": "16kHz-novideo",
"context": "team"
}, ...
Rebuilds the contacts that are provisioned to clients.
Contacts are only provisioned for conferences, not for the users.
Rebuilding those is a somewhat expensive operation, since Linphone can't be provisioned with contacts by a file besides it's whole configuration. So all Linphone provisioning is rebuilt by this opertation. (The alternative: calculate all provisioning for Linphone when requested, would be even more expensive, since provisioning should be more often requested than changes in the contacts take place.) The polycoms are special in directory-provisioning too, so there is the need to write a file for every phone, change it, but leave the individual entries therein intact.
Also: due to the concept of connector, it would be a hack to ensure consistency of the contacts if this operation was done automatically after each change in the conferences. So don't forget to run this endpoint after you add, mod, or delete conferences.
The answer looks like this:
{op: 'conferences/rebuildcontacts', done:
${new Date()}}
If you try connector with the example freeswitch you should run this endpoint to fill the contacts lists initially.
Functions to filter the conference array. matching is done with the
stringmethod .startsWith()
, which is useful or not, depending on your
naming conventions.
The answer looks like this:
{op: 'conferences/byname/yourstring', conferences: [{conf},...]}
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/confAddSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' },
type: { type: 'string' },
context: { type: 'string' },
required: ['type', 'context', 'name'],
additionalProperties: false
Adds conferences to the System. As you can see, you can add more than one conference at a time.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'conferences/add', done:[], failed:[] }
With the arrays filled with conference objects or not. Adding a
conference fails if the name is already taken, the context does not
exist, or the type of conference is not implementet as profile
in freeswitchs conference.conf.xml
Remember to run GET: /api/conferences/rebuildcontacts
changes to conferences, if you wish the provisioned contacts
lists updated.
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/confDelSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
num: { type: 'string' }
required: ['num'],
additionalProperties: false
Deletes conferences by the num property, that is the number of the conference in the dialplan. You can bulk-delete conferences.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'conferences/del', done:[], failed:[] }
Deleting a conference will fail if a conference with the requested number is not found.
Remember to run GET: /api/conferences/rebuildcontacts
changes to conferences, if you wish the provisioned contacts
lists updated.
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/confAddSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
num: { type: 'string' },
name: { type: 'string' },
type: { type: 'string' },
context: { type: 'string' },
required: ['num'],
additionalProperties: false
Modify conferences. If you give only the number there will be no effect except a rebuild of the file in the dialplan. It normally makes no sense, in contrast to the usermod interface, where a user only modded by providing his/her id will get a new password and the polycom provisioning will be deleted.
The Answer looks like this:
{ op: 'conferences/del', done:[], failed:[] }
With the arrays filled or not. Modding a conference fails if the
conference (by its num
property) does not exist, the new context
does not exist, the new type is not implementet in freeswitchs
, or the new name is already taken by another
conference. The modded conference will keep it's number unless
you change the context, then it will get a new number.
Remember to run GET: /api/conferences/rebuildcontacts
changes to conferences, if you wish the provisioned contacts
lists updated.
Recordings are one feature that depends on implementation not only
in connector, but also in freeswitch. To see a working example look at the
example freeswitch, especilly
the moderator-controls in conference.conf.xml
. Connector will track the custom
events provided by these controls, and make freeswitch do recordings
accordingly. You will also need to setup a volume for the recordings, look
at the
and at the Dockerfile (the ENV therein) in the example-freeswitch. As of now,
connector and freeswitch need to mount the recordings-volume on the same path,
but this is easily changable by adding a new variable to config.js.
Lists filenames of recordings. The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'api/recordings', files: [] }
Download the recording. By default these are .wav
files with a timestamp in
their name like this:
and the timestamp marks the beginning of the record.
Checks the available recordings for string
in their filename. This uses
the stringmethod .includes()
so you can search for names of conferences or
dates or both.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: api/recordings/find/string, files: [] }
with files filled or not.
$schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$id: 'gidmoth/recDelSchema',
body: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
file: { type: 'string' }
required: ['file'],
additionalProperties: false
Deletes recordings by their filenames. The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'api/recordings/del', done: [], failed: [] }
Deleting a recording fails if the filename does not exist.
All paths mentioned in the following refer to the defaults as provided in config.js.
Stores a gzipped tar of the requested folder in /static/store
The folders are respectively:
- freeswitch:
(the path you mountet your freeswitchs configuration) - dialplan:
- conferences:
- directory:
Other folders are not implementet. This is not meant as a backup, but more to hook in a backup conveniently or to move to a new host with ease. These are file operations, they don't involve the internal xml state. So It's also for testing changes in the Templates or by hand, and being able to restore with the following endpoint.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'store/directory', done: '', failed: '' }
Although this operation should never fail.
Restores the respective directory in /etc-freeswitch
from a previously
stored tarball in /static/store
. After restoring this endpoint causes
a reloadxml in freeswitch and rebuilds the internal xml state of connector
from informations gathered through the eventsocket.
If you do this, don't forget to run /api/users/reprov
afterwards, or the
provisioningfiles may be inconsistent with the contents of your directory.
The answer looks like this:
{ op: 'restore/directory', done: '', failed: '' }
Restoring fails if it could not find the tarball.
Returns some metainfo about connector and the global variables of freeswitch. The answer looks like this:
"op": "info",
"info": {
"reloadxml": {
"lastrun": "not till now",
"lastmsg": "no Message"
"maintainance": {
"lastrun": "2021-01-15T15:01:46.560Z"
"globals": {
"hostname": "host.example.com",
"local_ip_v4": "",
Returns the whole internal state of connector, the answer looks like this:
"op": "info/state",
"state": {
"info": {
"reloadxml": {
"lastrun": "not till now",
"lastmsg": "no Message"
"maintainance": {
"lastrun": "2021-01-15T15:01:46.560Z"
"globals": {
"hostname": "host.example.com",
"local_ip_v4": "",
"users": [
"id": "20000",
"password": "napw",
"conpin": "2357",
"context": "team",
"name": "teamuser1",
"email": "teamuser1@example.com",
"polymac": "none"
"conferencetypes": [
"conferences": [
"num": "30000",
"name": "team_g722",
"type": "16kHz-novideo",
"context": "team"
"availUsrIds": {
"team": {},
"friends": {},
"public": {}
"availConfNums": {
"team": {},
"friends": {},
"public": {}
The last two properties of the serialized state object,
and availConfNums
will always contain what looks like empty objects. The reason
is that they're sets, and serialized like this by fastify.
The real contents are calculated atomatically, exploiting the
property of sets, not to contain duplicates, to ensure
consistency of user ids (phonenumbers) and conference phonenumbers
(theese are like ids for connector).