
With browserify installed globally > 'browserify' is not recognized as an internal or external command

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I can't seem to figure this one out..

Using MINGW32 terminal on Win8...

> browserify -v

> testling
'browserify' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
FAILURE: non-zero exit code

This is thrown from ps.stderr.pipe() https://github.com/substack/testling/blob/master/bin/cmd.js#L101

I console.log'ed out the request to win-spawn on https://github.com/substack/testling/blob/master/bin/cmd.js#L96...

This produced...

browserify [ 'spec/utils/args.js', '--debug' ] { cwd: 'd:\\Projects\\hello-api', env : ... }

I can run this successfully in my terminal

browserify spec/utils/args.js --debug

Any ideas?

This appears to be an issue with win-spawn package.

It creates a call to...

cmd /d /c browserify ./spec/utils/args.js --debug

... which is urgly/wrong in MINGW32.

Unfortunately win-spawn appears abandoned as similar issues have been raised months ago and the project hasn't been updated in more than a year.

Any chance of using a fork of this package?

Seems like it should be replaced with cross-spawn (#114)