
Comment/assert events are emitted in the wrong order if interleaved

Closed this issue · 2 comments

anko commented


cat test.tap:

TAP version 13
# c1
# c2

./bin/cmd.js < test.tap | grep -v line (grep removes line events):

  [ 'version', '13' ],
  [ 'comment', '# c1\n' ],
  [ 'comment', '# c2\n' ],
  [ 'assert', { ok: true, id: 1 } ],
  [ 'assert', { ok: true, id: 2 } ],
  [ 'plan', { start: 1, end: 2 } ],
  [ 'complete',
    { ok: true, count: 2, pass: 2, plan: { start: 1, end: 2 } } ] ]

I expected this to parse as version comment assert comment assert plan complete.

This happens with any number of comment-test pairs, but only if comments and tests are interleaved as single copies. This also happens when using this module via require.

The line events happen in the correct order.

./bin/cmd.js < test.tap | grep line:

[ [ 'line', 'TAP version 13\n' ],
  [ 'line', '# c1\n' ],
  [ 'line', 'ok\n' ],
  [ 'line', '# c2\n' ],
  [ 'line', 'ok\n' ],
  [ 'line', '1..2\n' ],
simov commented

Same here - gist to reproduce it tape@4.0.0 + tap-parser@1.1.4

I'm using substack's tape as tap producer instead of tap as a lot of tap reporters for tape are using tap-parser internally. No luck for me however.

node test.js

TAP version 13
# test 1-1
ok 1 1-1-1
ok 2 1-2-2
# test 1-2
ok 3 1-2-1
ok 4 1-2-2

# tests 4
# pass  4

# ok
node test.js | node parser.js

version 13
comment # test 1-1

assert { ok: true, id: 1, name: '1-1-1' }
comment # test 1-2

assert { ok: true, id: 2, name: '1-2-2' }
assert { ok: true, id: 3, name: '1-2-1' }
assert { ok: true, id: 4, name: '1-2-2' }
plan { start: 1, end: 4 }
comment # tests 4

comment # pass  4

comment # ok

complete { ok: true, count: 4, pass: 4, plan: { start: 1, end: 4 } }

See the explanation and options here: #19 (comment)