
Passed tests

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Failed tests are included in the parsed output in 'failures' field.

Can we add 'successes' field to include all passed tests with their objects?

Why not just listen to the assert event? What's the use case for this?

Why not just listen to the assert event?

It just seems easier to process in callback, once all results are parsed. It's possible for failures but not for successes

What's the use case for this?

Whenever test results are used to maintain some state. In my case, failure creates an issue, success closes an issue (in tap-github-issues package)

@epoberezkin Thanks! That does make sense. You could definitely do this by acting on each event as it comes in, but you'd probably have to switch from a yield-based system to a async/await type deal. I can see how it's easier to just wait for it all to be done in this case.

Landed on latest release. Thanks!

@isaacs thank you!

mucho bueno 👍