
OpenShift application installation problem (operator 0.9.0)

denis-ignatenko opened this issue · 2 comments

When installing application in OpenShift environment using the oparator version 0.7.0 and the cartridge chart version 0.9.0, the application starts successfully.
When installing in a bundle of 0.9.0 oparator and 0.9.0 cartridge chart, an error occurs.

Attached operator's log tarantool-operator.log from the beginning of application installation.

Seems like a lack of rights. Please add OpenShift test.

Based on the logs, the error is:

roles.tarantool.io \"store\" is forbidden: cannot set blockOwnerDeletion if an ownerReference refers to a resource you can't set finalizers on: , <nil>

Which seems to be caused by the next commit: b326b3b

Finalizer is a subresource that is controlled by the admission controller. So you need to grant update verb for roles/finalizers.

I'm not sure if this helps since I don't have access to openshift cluster, but it seems to be true:

# .../your-operator-chart-dir/../templates/role.yaml
- apiGroups:
  - tarantool.io
  - roles/finalizers # this line should be added

This is an enterprise feature