Complete documentation
vanyarock01 opened this issue · 1 comments
vanyarock01 commented
We have a README and Tarantool Cartridge in K8s guide.
But there is no complete documentation. New content cannot always be put into a guide or README.
I offer documentation with the following structure:
- Quick start (deploy operator and cartridge with helm)
- Design/Architecture (TODO)
- Tools compatibility(kubectl, minikube, kind, helm)
- Tarantool Operator
- Install (helm)
- CRD`s (TODO)
- Operator application
- Delete
- Security (RBAC) (TODO)
- Resources using (limits & requests) (TODO)
- Troubleshooting (TODO)
- Building from source (TODO)
- Chart parameters table (example: (TODO)
- Install (helm)
- Tarantool Cartridge in K8s
- Creating an application
- Install
- Access Cluster (TODO)
- Cluster management
- Adding a new replica
- Adding a shard (replicaset)
- Updating application version
- Update replicaset roles
- Failover settings
- Deleting a cluster
- Customization
- Sidecar containers
- Troubleshooting
- Insufficient CPU
- Insufficient disk space
- Recreating replicas (TODO)
- Administration (TODO)
- ???
- Chart parameters table (example: (TODO)
- Guides
- Contribution Guide (TODO)
- Installation in an internal network
- Delivery of tools
- Installing the Tarantool Kubernetes operator
- Installing the Tarantool Cartridge app
- Running multiple Tarantool Cartridge clusters in different namespaces
- Prometheus + Grafana Monitoring (TODO)
- Crud ready-to-use application in Kubernetes
kluevandrew commented
This issue is still actual, but we need to change content for new version