
`reload_evolution/storage.test.lua` behaves strange when `vshard.cfg` is included in `lua_libs/util`

Serpentian opened this issue · 1 comments

The following diff causes an error in reload_evolution/storage.test.lua:

[009] reload_evolution/storage.test.lua
[009] [Instance "storage_2_a" returns with non-zero exit code: 1]
[009] Last 15 lines of Tarantool Log file [Instance "storage_2_a"][/home/serpentian/Programming/tnt/vshard/test/var/009_reload_evolution/storage_2_a.log]:
[009] Starting instance storage_2_a...
[009] started
[009] Start failed: ...rd/test/var/vshard_git_tree_copy/vshard/storage/init.lua:2045: attempt to call field 'split' (a nil value)
[009] [ fail ]

diff --git a/test/lua_libs/util.lua b/test/lua_libs/util.lua
index 3f435cc..dc1cd86 100644
--- a/test/lua_libs/util.lua
+++ b/test/lua_libs/util.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ local fiber = require('fiber')
 local log = require('log')
 local fio = require('fio')
 local git = require('git_util')
+local vcfg = require('vshard.cfg')
 local name_to_uuid = {
     storage_1_a = '8a274925-a26d-47fc-9e1b-af88ce939412',
@@ -215,6 +216,23 @@ local function map_bucket_protection(test_run, cluster, value)
         [[vshard.storage.internal.is_bucket_protected = ...]], value)
+local function box_router_cfg(cfg, router)
+    local vcfg = require('vshard.cfg')
+    local vshard_cfg = vcfg.extract_vshard(cfg)
+    local box_cfg = vcfg.extract_box(cfg, {})
+    box.cfg(box_cfg)
+    if router == nil then
+        -- Static router configuration
+        return vshard.router.cfg(vshard_cfg)
+    end
+    if type(router) == 'table' then
+        -- Named router reconfiguration
+        return router:cfg(vshard_cfg)
+    end
+    -- Named router creation
+    return vshard.router.new(router, vshard_cfg)
 return {
     check_error = check_error,
     shuffle_masters = shuffle_masters,
@@ -231,4 +249,5 @@ return {
     git_checkout = git_checkout,
     portable_error = portable_error,
     is_timeout_error = is_timeout_error,
+    box_router_cfg = box_router_cfg,

It looks like require('vshard.cfg') catches a wrong version of the module: from the git clone rather than from the checked out old version.

I met a problem of this kind and, if I remember it correctly, it was around .rocks/cwd/system require search paths priority. Maybe I did tarantoolctl rocks make in the vshard directory or had some vshard version installed in /usr/share/tarantool or in /.rocks.

I hope it helps.