RS232 COM port native driver for 1C This is RS232 communication port native driver for 1C:Enterprise 8.x. This driver provides communication from 1C:Enterprise 8.x to lots of devices that use RS232 communication port, such as: modems, thermal printers, bar code scanners and special controllers. Methods: int Open(int nPort, int Baud, int nBit, int Parity, int StopBit) - open port, return 0 if success; nPort - 1..; Baud - 300, 600, 1200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 57600, 115200; nBit - 7,8; Parity - 0: None, 1: Odd, 2: Even, 3:Mark, 4:Space; StopBit - 0: 1.0, 1: 1.5; 2: 2.0. Close() - close port; int Send(wstr data) - send data; int Receive() - receive data from port - return number of received chars; Delay(int dt) - delay dt milliseconds. Properties: bool IsOpen - is port opened or no; int Port - port number; int Baud - port speed; int ByteSize - number of bits; int Parity - port parity; int StopBit - 1, 1,5 2 stop bit; wstr Command - last command to port; wstr Answer - answer from port; int Error - last error code VTA: GetWeightVTA() - get weight SetPriceVTA(Price) - set price Maria: InitMaria() - Init rinter SendMaria(cmd) - Send command "cmd" examples: REZ = COMP.SendMaria("NREP"); //ZReport(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("ZREP"); //XReport(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("DBEG1"); //OpenDoc(Ëîæü); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("TEXT0001234567890 a1234567890 a1234567890 b1234567890"); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("CTXT"); //ClearComment(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("PRTX"); //PrintDoc(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("NULL"); //Íóëåâîé×åê(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("KASS"); //OpenDrawer(); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("DISp23 2900"); //Display(" 2900"); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("GETD"); REZ = COMP.SendMaria("MDMD260100"); ACS: StartPollACS() - start threed for getweight GetWeightACS() - get weight LED8N: SendHex("1B5141313233340D") - send 1234 to display SendHex("1B7331") - Turn on first led IKS: SendIKS(cmd, data) - send command to IKS examples: REZ = COMP.SendIKS(15,"") - Cancell check REZ = COMP.SendIKS(20,"03000001000430303030") - Close check 03 - sell type, 00000100 - sum, 30303030 - avtorization code REZ = COMP.SendIKS(42, "00") - Z report 1C: Examples: InfoBase - modem demo; InfoBaseMaria - Maria 301-307 fiscal printer demo. InfoBaseIKS - IKS fiscal printer demo. ibAClas - AClas weight demo ibACS30A - ACS30A weight demo ibVTA - VTA weight demo ibLED8N - LED8N display demo