
Can't install a blueprint

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to install the AJAM blueprint. However, it seems impossible. Here is what I got:

$ tarbell install-blueprint https://github.com/ajam/tarbell-big-read-template.git

Installing https://github.com/ajam/tarbell-big-read-template.git

- Cloning repo
Cloning into '.'...

Switched to a new branch '1.0'
Branch 1.0 set up to track remote branch 1.0 from origin.

Requirements file found at /var/folders/6n/5bt3d0vx5m55j65yttzb9sjc0000gn/T/tmp7K_uvS/requirements.txt
Install requirements now with pip install -r requirements.txt? [Y/n] n
Not installing requirements. This may break everything! Vaya con dios.

Error: No blueprint.py found

There's also an error message if I say yes:

Installing requirements...

Error: No blueprint.py found

Do you have any idea?

Thank you!

I get the same error.

Here's what's happening: Tarbell clones the blueprint into a temp directory, then asks whether to install requirements.txt. You say no, and then it tries to load blueprint.py. In this case, blueprint.py tries to import other packages, which throws an import error and prints No blueprint.py found, even though there definitely is a blueprint.

I get different errors if I do try to install requirements.

I tried installing requirements for that blueprint, but I get a permissions error if I don't sudo, because it's trying to install globally. When I tried from inside a virtualenv, I get:

- No name specified in blueprint.py, using 'tarbell-big-read-template.git'

So I'm not sure what's happening there.

Hey, sorry, I deleted my previous comment, was not sure if it was in the right thread.

Thank you for your answer. I installed the requirements, then said no to requirements.txt when installing the blueprint, and it worked.

However, when I created a new project with this blueprint, I got the same message again.

5 files changed, 105 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 .gitmodules
 create mode 160000 _blueprint
 create mode 100755 index.html
 create mode 100644 tarbell_config.py

Requirements file found at /Users/flo/tarbell/haiti/_blueprint/requirements.txt
Install requirements now with pip install -r requirements.txt? [Y/n] n
Not installing requirements. This may break everything! Vaya con dios.

Copying files from blueprint
