
Add Desktop-Wallpaper in the Code

Lima-X opened this issue · 3 comments

These are my ways of dealing with such problems

  1. Solution:
    Add the Picture as an Resource in the Binary and Extracting it in the Process.

  2. Solution:
    Convert the Picture into C and including it in the solution as an HeaderFile (.h), then using [CreateFile] and [WriteFile] to write the Picture into a Directory.

Hey man! I think the second solution can work out, but I dunno how to do it :(
Would appreciate an pull request :)

Im just going to explain it how it works.

  1. You need something to convert your File to C-Arrays to embed it in the Code (If you can, use HxD).
  2. idk if you can use [CreateFile] and [WriteFile] because they are Windows Functions and requier <Windows.h> (so you might need to find something else)

Small Example:
I Hope i could help you.

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