
Feature Request: monitor brightness also changes system Light/Dark theme

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Thanks for this useful utility application. Since it already has a feature to control the monitor brightness, how about adding a feature to link the Light/Dark theme mode of Windows 10/11 to monitor brightness control? I do not mean the theme of this utility, but of Windows.

In my opinion, if one sets the brightenss of the monitor to a very low value (like 0% or 10%), it probably means that he is in a dark environment and would want the Windows theme to be dark. If one sets the monitor brightness to a very high value like 100%, he would probably want the Windows theme to be light. So, if this utility has an option like "Set Windows theme to Light when brightness is above [ ]%" and "Set Windows theme to Dark when brightness is below [ ]%", I think it would be convenient.

From my quick research, the system Light/Dark mode can be simply set by changing a registry value:

it can be set / retrieved through the AppsUseLightTheme key at the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize registry path. https://stackoverflow.com/a/51336913

I thought that I might do this using the "scheduler" feature, but for the monitor property, there only were "turn on", "turn off", "dimmed", not "brightness change", so I think it is not possible.