
No popup on certain sites

Closed this issue · 4 comments

On some sites the popup doesn't show up while Youtube and various other sites work perfectly fine.

I'm using the latest version of Chrome 95.0.4638.54.
No Ad blocker, no errors in the console (Chrome / F12)

Some examples where it doesn't work:

Would highly appreciate if someone could look into this as gropple seems to be the perfect solution for my needs.

Hi @Gishanx

Can you please clarify, when you say "doesn't show up" do you mean that it doesn't even open the popup window at all, or that the popup window is empty?

I'm a little confused if it's the former - as that part (the actual window opening) is 100% client side javascript encoded into the bookmarklet, and that will even work if gropple isn't running.

I've managed to successfully gropple videos from both those sites with Chrome (Mac).

Yes, the popup doesn't open at all.
I have to try a different browser and see if Chrome does some funky things.

But if you've already tested it on your side it can't be a problem with the script itself. Seems to be on my end.
Will update if I find a fix!

Like I suspected it was my fault!
For whatever reason did uBlockOrigin not switch off when I told it to.

Sorry for bothering!

No dramas, thanks for investigating. It’s worth me putting a note on the page to help avoid others hitting the same problem. Thanks!