
Display xkcd alt tag

Opened this issue · 1 comments

klump commented

Thanks for making this nice app! I have a (small) feature request.
At least for the xkcd comic there is always some remark to the comic displayed in the tooltip (via the alt attribute on the homepage). It would be nice if you could include this information somehow in your app. The content of the tooltip is available in the JSON file (alt attribute) you are already fetching.

Maybe you could display the alt tag below the picture?

Edit: If it is not too much trouble, could you display the title above the picture as well?

Hey, thanks for the interest :)

Sorry I didn't reply earlier.

This is a feature I've considered as well some times ago (I missed myself the title for some other comics)
I've discarded it at that time ("moved it way down in my TODO list" :) as it required too much work for the value it brings (mainly for some of the other comics, not xkcd where it's easy to retrieve it indeed)

Since you've asked, I was planning to work on it again (should be a bit easier with some refactors I made)
Unfortunately, my Jolla phone got stolen recently :(
As a result I won't be able to work on the app for quite some time...

I'll be waiting for a newer SailfishOS device to be available in Europe.
Hopefully this would happen but anyway I don't expect it before next year at least...
Then I'll continue working on the app for sure, this included :)