
Tablet support

Closed this issue · 12 comments

While everybody is waiting for the tablet, it might be nice, if DC could be compiled and packaged for x86 as well? https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2015-September/006512.html

It doesn't make much sense to me to just package the app for tablet without testing it and adapting the layout
And I haven't ordered the tablet and I don't plan to do so.
So unless someone with a tablet do the work, this won't happen I'm afraid :-(

But the mail says, that the tablet can be emulated?

I did receive my tablet yesterday and, as I love al the comics and think that your app is great, will test the app as soon as I find the time which is this week already I hope.

I have been running Daily-comics on the tablet for quite some time now. For starters it is great to read comics in the tablets screen size. On the Jolla phone it sometimes looks a bit tiny. And everything scales very well already, there is no real need to change anything in the layout.

Do you have an rpm file to share? :)

I've made a build for the tablet which is available on the OpenRepos page
Thanks to @cnlpete, it contains some basic layout changes #29

I am not sure if the build is made correctly as I can't test it myself.
So please check it and let me know if anything is wrong.

I've tested right now and it seems to work fine.

Thank you for making this happen!

Cool! Thanks for checking.

Ah, sorry, there's one thing. It took me a while to see it and it's very hard to capture in a screenshot and it happens rarely, so it would be nice if someone could confirm that.

If the comics are loading/checking for updates there's this progress bar on the bottom of the screen, I was holding the tablet in portrait mode (don't know if other orientations act similar) and the text was about 3 pixels out of the screen, to the bottom.

Okay, I got to see it again. All orientations have the text go out on the bottom a few pixels and on the right the word "New" was also overflowing to the right.

I can confirm this, apparently missed this during my quick tests.
The lower updating bar seems to have wrong dimensions. I will try to look into this and produce a fix. Maybe this coming weekend =)

@tardypad If you want you can reopen this and assign me or add a new ticket.