
This LaTeX template is designed to provide a clean, elegant, and highly readable document style, similar to the renowned Tufte class templates. It is particularly well-suited for academic writing, lab reports, assignments and perhaps thesis (will work on it in the future) and other documents where clarity helps the reader.

The design of this template is inspired by the beautiful works of Aditya Dhumuntarao ( and the late Gilles Castell (RIP) (, who have crafted visually appealing and functionally efficient LaTeX templates that blend simplicity with sophistication. This template takes inspiration from their approaches but is mostly based on personal touches.


This version has been posted, and is still undergoing some minor editing, as I am utilizing this template to typeset my probability notes (to be posted on a separate repo soon). I would like to thank everyone in the LaTeX reddit community who offered some great advices to modify my old templates.

Run the main.tex file, run in LuaLaTeX.