
vim mode plugin

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Whenever I try to add this https://github.com/sharat87/zsh-vim-mode to loaded pluings, I get unusably slow prompt loading speed (like just pressing enter a few times). In my zshrc it looks like so

zgen loadall <<EOPLUGINS

however, I can copy the plugin's whole contents directly into my zshrc and it works fine.

m42e commented

Well I tried it in OSX and it works as fast as before. can you provide details? Maybe you should share the .zgen/init.zsh content here.

Im running the latest zgen/init.zsh from here, but I thought I had narrowed it down to that the other day. Its actually the combination of that and loading zgen oh-my-zsh like

zgen oh-my-zsh

zgen loadall <<EOPLUGINS

I guess its caused by the zle reset-prompt, I'm unsure why this makes any difference if its in the imported plugin or manually inside my zshrc.

Its weird its slow for me regardless of where its is inside tmux, and otherwise its only slow when imported through zgen. But either way, I can just replace reset-prompt with redisplay apparently, so this can probably be closed.