
MLB issues(?)

nexxai opened this issue · 7 comments

Just wondering if this is expected:

➜ ./lazystream select --sport mlb

 |        \   __  /\ \   / ___|__ __|  _ \  ____|    \     \  |
 |       _ \     /  \   /\___ \   |   |   | __|     _ \   |\/ |
 |      ___ \   /      |       |  |   __ <  |      ___ \  |   |
_____|_/    _\____|   _| _____/  _|  _| \_\_____|_/    _\_|  _|

ERROR: missing field `abbreviation` at line 1 column 673

Lazyman just got the MLB fix in yesterday, Guessing will be fixed soon here

Wasn't lazyman abandoned?

He returned 2 days ago, re opened the reddit and GitHub pages

Ahh cool

Nice! I didn't realize this. Let me get a fix for this out ASAP then.

@nexxai Ok this is fixed, however it doesn't appear that any MLB links are actually posted yet. I've confirmed in the LazyMan application that they can't be streamed there yet either. Once those links are posted (assuming they get posted in the same way as before), it should just work here as well.

I'll publish a new release shortly.

Awesome thanks man!