
Stream not available yet, will check again soon...

fedorajoe opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi I was wondering why I see the following error so much this year and almost never in the past?

$ ./lazystream play team TOR
Found matching team for TOR
Game found for today
Using stream feed NATIONAL

Stream not available yet, will check again soon...

This is the 3rd game out of less than 10 I got this error.

Hey @fedorajoe
what version are you using and os. I run this on a Mac and linux and works just fine. You will need the newest version right now due to the url changed. I normally use the lazystream select --sport nhl but today I used the command that you are using and if worked just fine. IF you can provide any more information. I was able to use command for every game that is playing today. reading the reponse you will get that when the feed is not available which I have seen up to 5 min before the games starts.

I am seeing the same thing with games today as well? I am trying the ARI and Phi game
./lazystream play team ARI
./lazystream play team PHI

not working
I can use
./lazystream select -- sports NHL and select the game and that works

figured it out the IP address changes update your host file

Glad I have IPTV when this happens it seem to be hit or miss on stuff working right now