Latest Version no longer Populating M3U with links?
Riles554 opened this issue · 11 comments
Yesterday seemed to be working fine - Noticed that no option is pulling NHL M3U links at this time. Is the new host broken?
Just double checked - If I manually pull games it appears to be working - Just getting blank output if I pull full playlists for NHL or MLB
Are you sure the links are posted?
I am not seeing any links using lazystream select --resolve
, which would explain why the m3u is blank. Yesterday's date populates fine.
You're right. When I pulled with select
it was generating links, but not working ones. Looking at /r/NHL_games it appears there is an issue with the host server again. Too bad.
Update your hosts file with current IP from ping
@taylorbourne @tarkah it appears the updated hosts fix works for now! Thank you very much. I truly appreciate the attentiveness to these projects and the fact that you're monitoring each other's so diligently.
Still failing for me it seems, Host file updated and all
Still failing for me it seems, Host file updated and all
Be sure to use the --resolve tag if was the only way I could get it to work.
./lazystream select --sport nhl --resolve
I also can use this command that I always use now as well ./lazystream play team CHI so look like the NHL God are shining on us tonight
Yea still hating me. thanks for our info. Ill mess with it tomorrow
@Evilmnkey @Riles554 Is this still an issue or can I close this?
Haven't had time to get to it, but yea go ahead and close it. thanks