A test project to store digital documents in folders. For the time being I am assuming that there wont be any authentication.
Once you have clonned this repo.
git clone git@git.toptal.com:screening/TasaweTasawer.git
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
after creating, activate it. More details can be found at https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html
Run the following command from /backend
pip install requirements.txt -r
./manage.py runserver
API docs should be availabe at
- To run all tests use
- To run specific test file use path to the class or test mehtod. e.g
pytest tests/test_api.py::DocumentViewSetTests::test_list_documents
Documents can be filtered based on folder name and topics (comma separated). e.g
1. `?folder=english&topics=gaming,learning`
2. `?folder=english`
3. `?topics=gaming,learning`
ERD available at /docs