
Weird error message in task-inspector

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@helfi92 any ideas:

link: https://screenshots.firefox.com/NMKsbGPwBI01JrR8/tools.taskcluster.net

rail-afk> recently I have noticed that some tasks give me a 404-like error in the UI, even though they should be there, the error message contains the status. example: https://tools.taskcluster.net/groups/LJDnka8tTtOOdlm6-S1vFw/tasks/uBwIJZ77QgSah9sxsacppg/details
19:03 any idea what is going on?
19:05 I've seen this for tasks submitted via the old scheduler API and via in-tree scheduling

Maybe it has to do with the fact that the task doesn't have any runs yet...

Credits to @escapewindow for finding this..

Itym @rail :)

Lol, sorry I mixed up rail and aki :)