
can't flash with ubuntu - only windows

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trying to flash using a CP2102 USB<>FTDI to an ESP12S wifi module

I got tasmotizer up and running (took some difficulty with ubuntu and python)

  1. Had to use pipx to install tasmotiser in a venv
  2. Had to uninstall python-opencv, then install python opencv-headless (also in the venv) to get the GUI to work
  3. Once the GUI was working, had no permission to access serial device, so then had to sudo su, chown (usernam) /dev/ttyUSB0
  4. After that, tasmotizer could be launched, but when trying to flash to the device, "timed out waiting for packet header"

I moved over to a windows machine and immediately flashed with no config or issues.

Clearly a linux thing, might be good to make a more detailed linux guide for people