
tasmotizer - Multi language support

bovirus opened this issue · 11 comments


Using PO language file and xgettet it's possible to localize tasmotizer in several languages.

I already tested that it works.

If you are interested I can put all chanegs about it (also ina development branch)

It's the same system that we used to localize "DDT4ALL" github project

Use a "tools" folder where you can make the batch to create the template language file and align language files to template

Use a "local\xx" (where xx can be DE or IT or FR) subfolder where you can have the language files.

In .py Pyhton files replace es.

print ("Test")


print (_("test")

and "Test" string will be added to template file and can be localized.

make a PR and I'll have a look

please base it on develop-1.3 branch


OK: I will make a PR with general tool and some changes on basic string for GUI (Ex Serial port / etc).

Then you can check if it' works fine and we can go away.

Is it Ok for you?

It's quite strange that in github reposiotry release version is more updated then developer version.

Latest update for relase was 19 days ago (25.12.2020)
Laetst update on development 1.3 was on 19.09.2020.

Sure :)


The you confirm that I will make a PR n dev 1.3 also is less updated then release on github repository?

if you compare changes these are some very minor things. Make the PR anyway, I will take care of these differences when rebasing prior to new release.


I will do as soon as.

Any option to continue with the localization job?

Are there any plan about multilanguage GUI?

Next planned feature is adding ESP32 support. Not saying there is a time schedule for.
Time is very rare for spending time on. If this is done multilanguage support is considered