There are many basic algorithms of computer vision which are either implemented in MATLAB or Python-OpenCV. They can be downloaded or consulted for understanding. Few of the algorithms developed was a part of EE5731 visual computing course (National University of Singapore) requirement fullfillment.
The folder can be saved to any directory.
There are six partx_xx folders.
Steps to Run the each part - a. Go to each part and extract vlfeat-0.9.21.rar folder. This folder contains the code for SIFT which has been downloaded from - and is highly cited work.
b. First matlab working path should be the set to the part directory. For me to run the part1 code I need to set the working directory as -
E:\<Assignment_directory>\Assignment_1_Sayan_Kumar\Part1 Similarly to run the code for part2 change the MATLAB working directory to E:\<Assignment_directory>\Assignment_1_Sayan_Kumar\Part2
b. To run each part the following command to run -
part1: >> image= detect_edge("SOBEL","im01.jpg") >> image= detect_edge("GAUSIAN","im01.jpg",sigma,kernel_size) - Example : detect_edge("GAUSIAN","im01.jpg",1,3) >> image= detect_edge("HARR","im01.jpg",type,kernel_size) - Example 1:Unit Size Harr Feature Kernel of type 1- >> detect_edge("HARR","im01.jpg",1,1) Example 2: Harr Feature Kernel of type of size 3- detect_edge("HARR","im01.jpg",5,3) %%% Unit Size Harr Kernel Types: %%% type 1 : (-1,+1) %%% type2: tranpose(-1,+1) %%% type 3: (+1,-1,+1) %%% type 4: trnaspose(+1,-1,+1) %%% type 5: (-1,+1;+1,-1) %%% kernel_size will make the kernel bigger by kernel_size times. part2: >> [keypoints, descriptor]=sift_detector("im01.jpg") Part3: >> [H,image]=get_homography("h1.jpg","h2.jpg") --> h1 to h2 homography >> [H,image]=get_homography("h2.jpg","h1.jpg") --> h2 to h1 homography Part4: >> [Hm,image]=get_homography_manual("im02.jpg","im01.jpg") --> im02 to im01 homography and stitching Part5: >> [H12,image]=get_ransac_homography("im01.jpg","im02.jpg") --> im01 to im02 automatic homography and stitching >> [H21,image]=get_ransac_homography("im01.jpg","im02.jpg") --> im01 to im02 automatic homography and stitching Part6: >>[image]=get_basic_panorama("im01.jpg","im02.jpg","im03.jpg"); NOTE: For Part7 to Part10. Download the GCMEX and Road Dataset( And add the path of the GCMEX and ROAD Appropriately as shown in the sample code in part1.m in Part7 folder part7: >> part1 part8: >> part2 Part9: >> part3 Part10: >> part4
ORB_MATCHING: ORB Python-OPENCV Program has been implemented to match two images.
Dataset can be downloaded from :