
w3m can't load many web pages anymore, e.g. google.com

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I use the stable version of w3m.
Since a few days, it stopped working properly. It gets stuck when I try to open pages like google.com. It says "Opening socket..." for ever, I have to kill it with CTRL-C. It then says "w3m: Can't load google.com".

I tried your branch, as it is listed as head branch in homebrew. I can compile it, but it shows the exact same behavior.

Many web pages work, but a lot do not work, like: google.com, apple.com, nasa.gov, ...

Does anybody else have the same problem?

macOS BigSur 11.6.1 with homebrew, w3m/0.5.3+git20200502

On 2021-11-23 21:39, Nithilher wrote: ... Many web pages work, but a lot do not work, like: google.com, apple.com, nasa.gov, ... Does anybody else have the same problem?
I can't reproduce this for google or apple. The nasa site doesn't load with w3m, but I don't think it ever did, did it? It's JS-heavy? My first suggestion is check your DNS. Try the equivalent of $ nslookup google.com My second suggestion is to report back whether you can access those sites using another browser, if you have access to one.

-- hkp://keys.gnupg.net CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1 7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0

I can access google.com with any other browser, e.g. links, google chrome, safari. That is why I wondered. Only thing which changed on my system was a system update to the latest version of BigSur (I am not yet on Monterey).

However, it seems that w3m works, it only takes about 1 minute to open the page. Any idea why it takes so long?

Seconding this. Same problem Mac Monterey M1. I get unknown uri: https://reddit.com. Strangely this does not happen on the MacPorts or brew build.

Edit: I think it must have something to do with SSL, because it seems to only be affecting https sites. Brew's version compiles using --with-ssl=#{Formulat["openssl@1.1"].opt_prefix}" - I don't know enough about Brew to decipher this, but it's probably the answer.

rkta commented
tats commented

Type w3m -version to see the build options, "ssl" is required if
you'd like to open HTTPS pages.

Use the configure option --with-ssl to specify the location of OpenSSL.
e.g. ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1


meksrc commented

Hey guys, also have a m1 mac and pages on lynx or w3m wont load for me :( somebody found a solution?