
What dependencies w3m use to show images in terminal.

iamanshik opened this issue · 4 comments

I was working on a cli project which can run on tty windows (no GUI) with images I am using mpv as video player (working fine) for the project. Firstly I used ueberzug to show images but Its not working without X11 . I use w3m browser in tty window it is able to show images as well as thumbnail. Please tell me what dependecies do you use to show Images with and X11 or GUI.

to disable GUI you can use: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target
to again enable: sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target // I am using Debian based distro.
this is showing images on tty1 window.

it uses w3mimgdisplay

$ locate w3mimgdisplay

@gotbletu how can I use w3mimgdisplay in my project because it does not invoke from terinal directly to show images.

no idea but if you need to view image

w3m -o display_image=1 -o imgdisplay=w3mimgdisplay "$1"

lobre commented

I don’t know exactly about it, but some explanations of usage are in this blog post.
