
Tatum daemon on https://api-us-west1.tatum.io

manojCoe opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a subscribed api key on region us-west1, when I'm trying to run tatum-kms daemon --api-key=XXXXXXX --chain=MATIC it is getting transactions on https://api-eu1.tatum.io/v3/kms/pending/MATIC?signatures=XXXXXX. Is there a way to change TATUM_API_URL using command line?

@manojCoe not sure if you have resolved the issue, but just for the benefits of others, the following is the solution for this issue:

Create an .env file with the following content:

TATUM_API_KEY=<Your Tatum API Key>

Start the Tatum KMS in daemon mode:
tatum-kms daemon --path=wallet.dat --testnet --chain=BTC --period=10

If you are using Docker, run with the similar Docker command:
docker run -d --env-file .env -v $HOME:/root/.tatumrc tatumio/tatum-kms daemon