

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Commits between 12-02-2022 - 15-02-2022:

Commit message
chore: release 1.0
prepare: for release
test: filtering 2
test: running on 5 min schedule
test: running on schedule
test: run again
test: again
test: again
feat: modify header
feat: rework table
feat: build
feat: test
feat: rerun action
feat: update files
feat: try a table
feat: update action
fix: update workflows and action
fix: retry
fix: retry
fix: update workflows
fix: change node version in check-dist
test: again
fix: refresh build
feat: move to npm
fix: update
test: action
feat: add updated files
feat: begin
Merge pull request #3 from tatupesonen/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/n ...
Merge pull request #2 from tatupesonen/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescr ...