Making the counter work
eighttrigrams opened this issue · 2 comments
eighttrigrams commented
I tried for some time getting the counter to work. I have the following main.clj
(ns infinite-orange.main
(:require [ripley.html :as h]
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET]]
[org.httpkit.server :as server]
[ :as context]
[ :as atom]))
(def counter (atom 0))
(defn counter-app [counter]
"Counter value: " [::h/live {:source (atom/atom-source counter)
:component #(h/out! (str %))}]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! counter inc)} "increment"]
[:button {:on-click #(swap! counter dec)} "decrement"]]))
(defn index []
(h/live-client-script "/__ripley-live")
(counter-app counter)]]))
(def app-routes
(GET "/" _req
(h/render-response #(index)))
(context/connection-handler "/__ripley-live")))
(defonce server (atom nil))
(defn- restart []
(swap! server
(fn [old-server]
(when old-server (old-server))
(println "(Re)starting server")
(server/run-server app-routes {:port 3000}))))
(defn -main [& _args]
But I end up with the following
Replacing #(h/out! (str %))
with #(prn %)
prints the correct count to the terminal however.
Is something missing in my example?
tatut commented
Good catch! The README example has always been broken it seems 😁
Added a new simple counter to the examples folder that has this minimal example.
The main point here is that every live component needs ad least 1 HTML element (that is what hosts the live id that Ripley uses internally, a simple text node is not enough).
eighttrigrams commented
Cool, thx