ES6+ and TypeScript
React 18, server components
Next 13 with app/
Custom fonts with next/font
Route prefetching with next/link
FontAwesome icons -- AS LIBRARY
Styled Components / Tailwind
Container queries
Light and dark themes with toggle and localStorage
CMD-K search, navigation, and theme toggle
Sanity studio route
Custom accessible Radix components
Content from Sanity
State managed by Redux
Toast notifications
Resume print CTA, printer styles
Entrance, scroll, & interaction animations (react-spring/Framer)
Page transition animations (react-spring/Framer)
Authentication & authorization with Supabase Auth
Modal route for signin
Prisma? Or just Supabase?
Supabase realtime?
Image lazy-loading with next/image
Loading states
404 page
100% lighthouse score
No terminal errors
Accessibility tested for keyboard, screen reader, legibility
- Skip to Content links
- Brief about / positioning statement
- Design. Build. (Repeat.)
- Resume
supabase gen types typescript --linked > src/lib/database.types.ts
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
package is temp fix for module not found error in node-fetch with Supabase Issue -
When profile is deleted, be sure to remove user_metadata.hasProfile from corresponding