
A very basic implementation of raytracing on adaptively sampled distance fields.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This is an implementation of a Raytracer on adaptively sampled distance fields. It relies heavily on the very nice abstraction layer of Veldrid.


Although adding additional compatibility should be pretty easy, I can currently only support Windows w/ DirectX11. Besides Veldrid, the build relies on the Microsoft Guidelines Support Library.

The executable takes a path to a custom .asdf or .ply file1, generating an .asdf file from the latter.

Once loaded, the model should be displayed, and you can move the camera using Click+Drag / W,A,S,D,Shift,Ctrl.

1the ply parser is highly crappy and assumes the vertices are the first block in the file; this is true for the files outputted by MeshLab, but not necessarily for yours.


  • Add support for modeling, as efficient space carving is one of the main benefits of distance fields.

  • Extend the capabilities to full path tracing

Main References

Sarah F. Frisken et al.: Adaptively sampled distance fields: A general representation of shape for computer graphics

Jakob A. Bærentzen and Henrik Aanæs: Signed distance computation using the angle weighted pseudonormal

Thiago Bastos and Waldemar Celes: Gpu-Accelerated Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields