[DB] Unknown Game - Night In The Woods
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Game title: Night In The Woods
Itch.io link: https://finji.itch.io/night-in-the-woods
IGDB page: https://www.igdb.com/games/night-in-the-woods
Steam or other store link:
Itch.io ID: 93664
GOG Database lookup link: https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/itch/external_releases/93664
(not found)
Do you know what's the problem? The game seems to be added on IGDB just fine...
This is an issue with GOG's database. You can see the page for Night in the Woods (via Steam lookup) at https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/steam/external_releases/481510 but the Itch release isn't listed. This seems to be one of the places where GOG's database differs from IGDB.
@tauqua I wonder if it is possible to use platform ids for another platform? Since many Itch.io games have Steam links in their profiles, it might be possible to grab Steam appids from there. That would be a partial workaround...