
Discussion: Transpose Station/Area Matrix

Closed this issue · 20 comments

The Station/Area Matrix should probably be transposed since there are now more stations than areas (and one presumes more stations will be added than areas). It might also help to move to unique icons to make columns distinguishable (though messier).

Suggestion: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sa8SuUQDzzMXMBzZmr2nG3IOcHnL3C9_DCO-NE_V4Tc/edit?usp=sharing

I've also extended the affiliation color through the whole row for a zebra-stripe effect.

I'm all in favor of that, I'm currently just too lazy to do it.

I am working on this a little bit. Ref: https://css-tricks.com/rotated-table-column-headers/

The table will not render correctly on GitHub, but I am hopeful that the applied css will make it look fine on the tau guide.



Once I get the table populated and cleaned up, I will send a pull request.

@jr3cermak how about you add that as a separate file to this repo (I've just invited you as a contributor)?

That way we can test if it renders, and if it works fine, we can copy it into README.md.

@jr3cermak You might also wanna have a look at this: http://taustation.wikidot.com/inc:samx
It was done within the wiki markup restrictions with CSS.

Cool. Thanks. All the hints are helpful. I had to go back to the article which is referenced from the css-tricks. https://www.jimmybonney.com/articles/column_header_rotation_css/

So, testing is tricky as GitPages do not necessarily work with branches. I added to the the style.scss with supporting style class support. It is all manual computation of values. The file is stationMatrix.md so everyone can take a whack at it.

It renders, but needs help:


Finally pulling together using a combination of both matrices. Just have to do the grunt work to pull the information together and then re-merge with README.md or keep it separate?


Table is now populated. Just need to review for accuracy. Any other suggestions? Maybe a few small descriptions of (color) "keys" and the dagger for Amazon (express shuttle and private ship only).

It's Caen Stronghold, not Amazon, that is hard to reach (and dangerous, because no Sick Bay).

Right! So, why is Amazon in red here? http://taustation.wikidot.com/inc:samx

@jr3cermak Excellent / beautiful and much easier to edit than exporting an image from the spreadsheet (which was my plan).

I went through the table and compared the contents to the current table of check marks. So far as I can tell, everything in stationMatrix.md agrees with the current table.

I would vote for less cell padding so that more fits on the screen (and better fits the width of the rest of the text), but aside from the bikeshedding, I think it could replace the image in the readme.

I found some padding around station name in column 1. Otherwise, everywhere I have checked, the padding seems to be zero. The inline images may be limiting the collapsibility of the table.

There are several columns that could be eliminated since they exist across all stations: bank, brig, employment, gov't center and ruins. They could be brought back if stations begin to vary. I would not delete them, comment them out to save existing effort.

I went ahead and replaced the table in the README with a link out to the stationAreaMatrix.md.

The issue is that "none" is not a valid property value for margin (or background-color) and site.theme is setting "margin:10px 0 10px 0" on images. When I update the .table-header-rotated td > img rule to have a valid value for margin I can get the cell size down. (I also set your background-colors transparent instead of none.)

With shorter cells, it looks fine to make them narrower too, so I squeezed down to 28px width.

Is there any reaon not to include this straight in the main document (rather than linking)?

Looks awesome now. I will move it into the main document the next chance I get.

Maybe I will tinker a bit with the dagger. It is hanging out there like a sore thumb. Maybe just colorize that cell and add it to the key?

Yeah, I was noticing the dagger too. I thought it was a bit of an improvement - it was too subtle before, but may be too much.

A color cell might conflict a bit too much with the other cell backgrounds. Perhaps color (or grey-out via "opacity: 0.3") the icon itself?

@jr3cermak Is there a deeper reason why you went for the PNG icons instead of the scalable, responsive FontAwesome solution?

@Perleone, good point, especially since most of the icons are pulled from Font Awesome 5 anyway (everything except the officer and warp pipe icons).

Feel free to rearrange as needed. I pulled the PNGs as they were referenced with the example Google spreadsheet.

I guess this is done now (in commit fdfc6e1), closing.

Thanks everybody!