
meta value is not parsed correctly

jeremys opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi there,

If you look at a live journal entry like this one: http://cananian.livejournal.com/60624.html
You can see the

When doing: description = htmlparser.DomUtils.getElements( { tag_name: "meta", name: "description" }, dom);
Instead of having a result like this:

    [ { raw: 'meta name="description" value="the whole post in there"/',  
        data: 'meta name="description" value="the whole post in there"/',  
        type: 'tag',  
        name: 'meta',  
         { name: 'description',  
           value: 'the whole post in there' } } ]  

I have this:

    [ { raw: 'meta name="description" value="the whole post in there"/',
        data: 'meta name="description" value="the whole post in there"/',
        type: 'tag',
        name: 'meta',
         { name: 'description',
           value: 'the whole post in there' ,
           the: 'the',
           whole: 'whole',
           post: 'post',
           in: 'in',
           there: 'there' } } ]

Hope it helps!