
Parsing ID and URL both fails

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Seems like the /api/asciicasts URL is no longer available

$ asciinema2gif https://asciinema.org/api/asciicasts/123683ERROR: https://asciinema.org/api/asciicasts/123683 returns 404
$ asciinema2gif https://asciinema.org/a/123683

Wrong URL format. See https://github.com/tav/asciinema2gif#url-format.

Neither does parsing by ID work

$ asciinema2gif 123683
ERROR: https://asciinema.org/api/asciicasts/123683 returns 404

It works a little bit further when you provide the new ID format:

asciinema2gif -s small -t solarized-dark -o demo2.gif https://asciinema.org/api/asciicasts/dD9UhCIaPw13znirhmGUnNJtd

but I still get some weird errors:

>> Dimensions: undefinedxundefined
>> Preparing window ...
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'el.dispatchEvent')


Another project https://github.com/asciinema/asciicast2gif seems to be working better.