Prompt not displaying properly (even with Powerline font)
swissChili opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello, I recently discovered your dotfiles and wanted to install them on my system. Everything is working fine for me, except that some of the characters are not displaying properly. I tried turning off emoji prompts, but this still occured. Some of the characters appear to be overlapping. I am using Hyper terminal by the way, with Droid Sans Mono Dotted for Powerline as my font.
Do you have any idea why this is happening? Thank you in advance.
I am using High Sierra with the newest versions of Bash, Hyper, and your dotfiles.
Hey! 👋Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Unfortunately, this prompt proved to be way too riddled with bugs to use, as you've found 😅
I've moved away from it to instead use a slightly modified version of the Pure prompt bash port.