
python/curses cli epub reader

Primary LanguagePython

usage: epub [-h] [-d] [-c COLS] [-I] EPUB

Python/curses epub reader. Requires BeautifulSoup.

Keyboard commands:
    Esc/q          - quit
    Tab/Left/Right - toggle between TOC and chapter views
    TOC view:
        Up         - up a line
        Down       - down a line
        PgUp       - up a page
        PgDown     - down a page
        Home       - first page
        End        - last page
        [0-9]      - go to chapter
        i          - open images on page in web browser
        e          - open source files with vim
        h          - show help
    Chapter view:
        PgUp       - up a page
        PgDown     - down a page
        Up         - up a line
        Down       - down a line
        Home       - first page
        End        - last page

positional arguments:
  EPUB                  view EPUB

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dump            dump EPUB to text
  -c COLS, --cols COLS  Number of columns to wrap; default is no wrapping.
  -I, --no-info         Do not display chapter/page info. Defaults to false.

# Forked from @rupa